Friday, February 15, 2013

The Feature of Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

Cancer still becomes one of the most frighten diseases. It is because some professional are still looking for the medicine to cure the cancer. However, until now, there is no way that can cure cancer very well except by doing chemotherapy that has so many effects for the sufferer. Of course, chemotherapy is only done for particular cancers. It is because if the professionals do chemotherapy in random cancer, then it can give bad effect for the sufferers. One of them is mesothelioma lung cancer. Some people believe it as one kind of cancer. However, mesothelioma and lung cancer are different. Then, what is its similarity and difference of both mesothelioma and lung cancer?

Both of them are a kind of cancer that can be caused by asbestos exposure. As its name, lung cancer influences the lung. If you feel pain in your lung, then probably it can be categorized as lung cancer. The cells that track the air passages turn out to be cancerous. However, mesothelioma affects pleura. Pleura are the lung’s covering. The cells of mesothelial that track vital organs develop into cancerous. Pleural mesothelioma may attack the subpleural of the lungs. It occurs when it metastasizes. Naturally the pleural mesothelioma extends along interlobal fractures in the lungs.

People who love smoking must stop their bad habit. It is because smoking is the most prominent cause of lung cancer. If you still keep smoking, it means that you still keep increasing an asbestos-exposed risk of developing lung cancer. You will get cough, fever, and hemoptysis that include as the symptoms of lung cancer. Even though smoking will not increase the risk of mesothelioma, but it will be better for you to try not to smoke anymore.

In order that you are able to know whether you suffer mesothelioma or not, then you can do physical examination and deliberation of asbestos exposure, spirometry as pulmonary function tests, chest X-Ray, CT-Scan, MRI, and Biopsy. The faster you know the symptoms, the sooner you can do your treatment. Besides that, when the mesothelioma and lung cancer exist in near location of the lung and develop together in it, then it will become mesothelioma lung cancer. Of course, it becomes more dangerous than if they live each other. However, it will be much better for you not to do some bad habit like smoking. It is because in order that you do not suffer mesothelioma lung cancer.

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