Wednesday, February 20, 2013

About Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer

Glandular tissue cancer is a type of adencarcinoma, and can affect different parts of the body. One particularly common type of glandular cancer is adenocarcinoma of the lung.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lung is responsible for approximately 40 to 50 percent of diagnosed lung cancers each year. It is a form of non-small cell lung cancers, which accounts for close to 80% of all lung cancers. Detecting such illnesses early on in its journey will definitely increase survival rates in addition to helping alleviate many its side effects. Nevertheless, adenoid cystic carcinoma may not be easily visible during its early stages.
Lung cancer in general is continuing to increase over the years, perhaps due to the increasing amount of smokers across the globe. There have been many suggestions as to the increase in cancer numbers. One being the addition of cigarette filters which have demonstrated to potentially allow even more smoke to be inhaled deeper in the lungs, thus triggering adenoid cystic carcinoma.
Even though early symptoms, for example chest pain or fatigue, tend to be overlooked, there have been some well-known symptoms associated with ACC. Since this form of cancer is prone to spreading from the outer lung, symptoms including coughing up blood and a chronic chough are generally seen. Unfortunately adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lungs have affected non-smokers, most commonly caused by radon exposure in the home.
While the severity of this cancer varies significantly depending on the affected organ or glandular tissue, there are a few common symptoms. Anything from fatigue, unexplained weight loss or bleeding can all occur, regardless of the organ affected. Because lung adenocarcinoma is a multi-factorial illness, many factors may be the cause of such a serious condition.

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